
The NYNJERC is supported by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health through Grant # T42 OH 008422

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New York and New Jersey (Region II) Education and Research Center



Deadline to submit is February 5, 2024

Download Application Instructions (PDF)


Grants ranging from $5,000 to $12,000 are available to occupational safety and health researchers in Federal Region II (New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands). Research should be in the occupational safety and health field and should focus on the NIOSH/NORA research priorities (information regarding NORA can be found at Furthermore, research topics addressing underrepresented worker populations or occupational health disparities with a goal to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion at workplace and in occupational safety and health research areas are particularly encouraged. Awards will be made for a one-year project period.

The objectives of the ERC Pilot Project Awards are to foster creative and informative research in occupational safety and health, to generate preliminary data for future/subsequent research projects, to enhance career development of outstanding early-stage investigators, to provide supports to investigators seeking new research directions, to encourage trans-disciplinary research collaborations, and to increase opportunities for investigators to recognize the NIOSH/NORA mission and related challenges in this research field. This program provides a pathway for the investigators to turn novel research ideas into fully developed research proposals with the goal of generating preliminary data for larger R01/R03 (or K awards) applications.


Award Amount and Period

Award Amount: The Scientific Review Board will award grants ranging from $5,000 to $12,000 of total cost (direct costs + indirect costs with a rate capped at 8% of direct costs). Budget must be directly relevant to the proposed research project. Detailed guidelines of allowed budget types are in the Application Instructions section below.

Award Project Period: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025

Award Name: New York and New Jersey Education and Research Center, Pilot Projects Research Training Program, 2024 Pilot Project Awards

Federal Award Agencies:

Application Instructions

The following materials must be submitted by the application deadline Monday, February 5, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. EST. All applications should include the following contents with the listed order in one PDF document.

Format Instructions:

  1. Cover Page Please use the file: 2024 Pilot Projects_CoverPage.doc
  2. Table of Content
  3. Abstract (one page; 400 words maximum): Provide a summary of the objectives, aims, hypotheses, significance, research plan and expected results. The abstract should also include a brief statement summarizing how the award will enhance the research career of the Principal Investigator (PI), and a description of how the work to be funded by this award will contribute to the development of PI’s research career or a new research focus.
  4. Biographical Sketch: A concise scientific resume for each person involved in the research (including PI and all mentors/co-investigators, if applicable). Please use the file 2024_biosketch_blank.docx (NIH PHS 398 biosketch form). A sample biosketch can also be found in the file 2024_biosketch_sample.docx. For more information, see NIH website here.
  5. Budget Form: Please use the form 2024_BUDGET_Form_ERCmod.docx (modified version of NIH PHS 398 budget form). Indirect costs are capped at 8% of direct costs. Total cost (direct costs + indirect costs) may not exceed $12,000.
  6. Budget Justification (one page maximum): Detailed descriptions of each item listed in the Budget Form should be outlined with a justification of its relationship to the proposed work. Budget must be directly relevant and crucial to the proposed research project. Tuitions are not allowed, as the PI (including trainee PI) is expected to already have sufficient knowledge and skill set to complete the project within one year (under the guidance of the mentor of the project, if applicable). Salary for the mentor(s) is not allowed. Budget not directly related to completion of the proposed project should be avoided or minimized (e.g., conference travel, publication fee).
  7. Research Strategy (within 3 to 5 pages):
    A single-spaced proposal outlining the proposed research plans, which includes the following sections:
    A) Introduction (background, study purpose, and benefits to the field and region)
    B) Specific aims
    C) Significance/Innovation
    D) Research Approach (recruitment strategies, data collection methods, exposure and/or outcome assessment, laboratory/analytical methods, statistical approaches, program evaluation, potential pitfalls and alternative approaches, etc.)
    If the project utilizes partial data or measurements from another existing project, the proposal must clearly describe the uniqueness of this application and demonstrate clear evidence that there are no overlaps in study aims.
    F) A table/graph demonstrating the proposed timeline from preparation to completion of the project, as well as the PI’s plans to prepare for manuscripts to report the findings on research journals. The project should be completed within one year.
  8. Career Development and Mentorship Plans (one page maximum; required for all PIs who are trainees or junior investigators at Assistant Professor or equivalent rank):
    A) Describe PI’s career development plans, including short-term and long-term goals, as well as how this proposed pilot project will play a role in enhancing their research career trajectories in the field of occupational safety and health.
    B) For projects with mentors, describe the mentorship plans that will strengthen the PI’s research capability along the course of the project, and detail how the mentor will monitor the progress of the proposed project in each step, including study design, IRB submission, data collection, feasibility and quality checks, budget tracking, research progress tracking, data analysis, results interpretation, manuscript writings, future grant submission, etc. Also, describe how the mentorship activities will enhance the PI’s career development.
    C) Mentors of the proposed project who had already served in previously awarded PPRTP pilot projects are required to briefly summarize the outputs/productivity of their previously mentored projects, as well as career trajectory and status of their past pilot project mentees.
  9. List of references/citations: References should be placed at the end of the application document.
  10. If applicable, please also attach the documentation that demonstrate appropriate human/animal subjects protection and other necessary approvals that have been arranged and received. (Note: All awarded projects should obtain IRB approval before June 30, 2024. Funding cannot be disbursed without such approval in place.)


Submit the electronic version of the completed application in one PDF document
by Monday, February 5, 2024, at 11:59 p.m. EST via the following URL link:


Criteria Used to Evaluate Proposals

The following criteria will be used mainly in determining the awards by an independent Scientific Review Committee.

Research/Scientific Criteria:

Programmatic Criteria:

Reporting Requirements

Successful awardees will be required to:

Important Dates for 2024 Applicants/Awardees

January 19, 2024: Q&A Information Session for Prospective Applicants

February 5, 2024: Deadline for Application Submission

First week of May 2024: Announcement of Awardees

June 30, 2024: Deadline of IRB Approvals

July 1, 2024: Project Start Date

January 15, 2025: Deadline for Mid-Term Progress Report

June 30, 2025: Project End Date (all funds must be spent before this date)

July 31, 2025: Deadline for Final Report

November 2025: Presentation at the Annual ERC Special Webinar

Dec 2025 / Dec 2026: End-of-Year Annual Follow-Up Reports (mandatory for 2 years post-project, up to 5 years of tracking)

Contact Information

Application Materials and Instructions:

Application Submission:

For Administrative Questions:

Contact: Ms. Giselle Candelario, Program Administrator


For Scientific Questions:

Contact: Dr. Yueh-Hsiu Mathilda Chiu, Program Director


List of funded pilot projects