Online Registration

New Jersey Asbestos Safety Technician

Dates: September 16-17, 2025

Meets: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Location: Rutgers School of Public Health

Cost: $395.00

Through lectures, demonstrations and hands-on experience, this course focuses on NJ Subchapter 8, Subcode NJAC 5:23-8 and the duties and responsibilities of an asbestos safety technician. This course is mandatory for those desiring certification as a New Jersey Asbestos Safety Technician (AST). Those persons desiring AST certification must contact the NJ Department of Community Affairs (NJ DCA) regarding prerequisites and full requirements. Please contact Tex Falajiki at the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (NJDCA) Tuesday or Thursday between 9:30 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. at (609) 633-6224. This course fulfills NJ DCA training requirements.

Mandatory for persons planning to work as an asbestos safety technician; abatement project monitors or others who supervise abatement projects, commercial building managers, safety professionals and industrial hygiene consultants.

Review of NJ Subchapter 8. Microscopy Air Sampling Data and Results. NIOSH Manual of Analytical Methods. Transmission Electron Microscopy. Negative Air Pressure Systems. Inspection Check Lists. Record keeping. Asbestos Abatement. Asbestos Transport and Disposal Regulations. Confining and Minimizing Airborne Fibers.

Please bring with you a government issued photo ID. We will accept driver's licenses, passports, birth certiificates, state and federal worker ID's, and university and school issued identifications. Please see our "cancellation policy" if you are unable to attend this course.

Check for other dates/locations

Fee: $395.00

Rutgers School of Public Health

300 Atrium Drive
Somerset, NJ 08873
Date Day Time Location
09/16/2025Tuesday8 AM to 4:30 PM Rutgers School of Public Health
09/17/2025Wednesday8 AM to 4:30 PM Rutgers School of Public Health

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