Online Registration

OSHA 500 Trainer Course in Occupational Safety & Health Standards for the Construction Industry [Zoom]

Dates: September 17-20, 2024

Meets: 7:45 AM to 4:00 PM

Location: Offered through Zoom- Virtual Learning Platform

Registration Fee: $875.00

Please note: this course has Prerequisites

This class is NOT full. Seats are available. To apply for registration, please scroll down to the bottom of this page and click on “ADD YOUR NAME TO THE WAITING LIST” and a staff member will contact you with next steps. Be sure your email address and phone number is up-to-date to help expedite the registration process.

Course Materials
Materials for this course will be mailed to you (if course registration fee has been paid). Please review and update your contact information so that course materials can be sent to your preferred address.

If you have questions, please contact our Registrar at 732-235-9450.

This course is designed for personnel in the private and public sector interested in teaching the 10- and 30-hour construction safety and health outreach program to their employees and other interested groups. Special emphasis is placed on those topics that are required in the 10- and 30-hour programs as well as on those that are the most hazardous, using OSHA standards as a guide. Course participants are briefed on effective instructional approaches and the effective use of visual aids and handouts. This course allows the student to become a trainer in the Outreach Training Program and to conduct both a 10- and a 30-hour Construction Safety and Health course and to issue cards to participants, verifying course completion. (4 days) Private sector personnel who are not interested in instructing their own 10- and 30-hour outreach training classes should enroll in the OSHA 510. A copy of the CFR will be given to you on the first day of the training. PLEASE NOTE: Students in the OSHA 500 training must have proficiency with computer presentation software and be able to successfully develop and deliver an in-class presentation on an assigned topic to the satisfaction of the course instructor in order to pass the class. Students must also pass a written examination at the end of the course. Outreach trainers are required to attend an OSHA 502 at least once every four years, prior to their authorization expiration date, in order to maintain their outreach trainer status.

OSHA 510 and five years of construction safety experience.

Required Materials:
Your OSHA 500 registration is pending review of documentation from the OSHA 510 course you completed, and five years construction industry safety experience. To qualify you for the program, a Prerequisite Verification Form will be emailed to you for completion once you add your name to the waitlist. It must be received and approved by a staff member in advance of the OSHA 500 course. Admittance to this class is on a first come, first served basis for pre-qualified applicants. Registration is not complete until confirmed by Rutgers.

This course is Offered through Zoom Virtual Learning Platform. The OTI Education Center courses (OSHA # courses) are to be completed in the region the student lives/works (virtual or in-person). If you are not from New York, New Jersey, Puerto Rico, or US Virgin Islands, please consult with the training manager at prior to registering.

Due to OSHA’s virtual class policy, you MUST be on camera with a microphone throughout the duration of the class. It is up to you to test you and your computer’s ability to use Zoom in advance of the class. Should you need to use your work computer, or require technical support to resolve an issue with Zoom, please pre-arrange to have your company’s technical support available to assist you in advance of the class and when you first login to the Zoom class, should you need their help. We recommend you join the Zoom class 15-30 minutes early to test your video and microphone and check your Zoom account for technical software updates. If you are unable to confirm Zoom works well on the computer you will use for class in advance of this training, please consider registering for an in-person class instead.

Check for other dates/locations

Fee: $875.00

Offered through Zoom- Virtual Learning Platform

Offered through Zoom- Virtual Learning Platform
Date Day Time Location
09/17/2024Tuesday7:45 AM to 4 PM Offered through Zoom- Virtual Learning Platform
09/18/2024Wednesday7:45 AM to 4 PM Offered through Zoom- Virtual Learning Platform
09/19/2024Thursday7:45 AM to 4 PM Offered through Zoom- Virtual Learning Platform
09/20/2024Friday7:45 AM to ** AM Offered through Zoom- Virtual Learning Platform

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