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9:30      Registration/Coffee and Poster Sessions

9:50      Welcome 

                Roberto Lucchini, MD

                Mitchel A. Rosen, PhD

10:00    Impacts of Work Arrangements on Health and Safety 

                John Howard, MD, LLM

10:45    Approaches to addressing occupational safety and 

             health hazards in the future of work 

                Paul Schulte, PhD

11:15    Safety and Health at the Heart of the Future of Work 

                Manal Azzi, PhD, LLM  

11:45   Connecting the Dots:  OHS - Sustainability, 

            Putting People Back into Sustainability                         

               Kathy Seabrook, CSP

12:15    Lunch break / Poster Session

1:30      Occupational Health in the Gig Economy    

                 Molly Tran, PhD

2:00       Climate change and worker health          

                  Roberto Lucchini, MD


2:30       Robotics, Research, and Applications for

              Occupational Safety and Health 

                   Marvin Cheng, PhD

3:00       Round Table discussion on collaborative efforts


4:00       Wrap up and Evaluation

For more information, contact

Gina Gazitano at (732) 235-9453 or